If you have questions regarding the First Coast Vision
or want to get involved, contact:
Margo Moehring, Director of Strategic Initiatives
Northeast Florida Regional Council
6850 Belfort Oaks Place
Jacksonville, Florida, 32216
Telephone: 904 279 0885 X 161

1. In 2005, the Puget Sound Regional Council did a paper, including a literature review, on urban sprawl. They review the qualitative costs and benefits of a sprawl pattern. Click here for the information paper:(link)
2. In 2007, the Federal Transit Administration and the Department of Housing and Urban Development funded a study that reviewed creating or retaining housing near transit as an affordability strategy. The executive summary provides an overview; (link) The full report is at the following (link)
3. The National Association of Homebuilders provides “Talking Points on Compact Development” on their website at: (link)
4. In 2001, the Urban Land Institute did a paper on Urban Infill Housing: Myth and Fact. You will find it on their website at: (link) In 2003, The Housing Partnership of King County in Washington State reviewed what they considered the essentials for successful urban infill housing. You will find the paper at this (link).
5. Your local library and the internet are great sources for information on the ways we can grow and growth management. We encourage you to explore!